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 Reglamento de Evil Rebelion (Foro) / Evil Rebelion Rules (Forum)

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Mensajes : 28

Reglamento de Evil Rebelion (Foro) / Evil Rebelion Rules (Forum) Empty
MensajeTema: Reglamento de Evil Rebelion (Foro) / Evil Rebelion Rules (Forum)   Reglamento de Evil Rebelion (Foro) / Evil Rebelion Rules (Forum) Icon_minitimeMiér Sep 21, 2011 10:52 pm

Lean por favor!

1.- Primero que nada, el nombre de la cuenta del foro debe ser el mismo que el nombre de miembro en AO. Más que nada para identificarlos fácilmente. / First of all, the name of the forum account should be the same as the member name in AO. More than anything for easy identification.

2.- Por favor, respeto entre todos. No se puede insultar a otro user ni crear discusiones fuertes, evítenlo. Puedes quejarte de otro user mandando un mp a algún administrador que se encargara del asunto. Las quejas serán privadas. / Please respect among all. You can not insult another user or create strong arguments, avoid it. You can complain of another user by sending a PM to some administrator to take care of it. Complaints will be private

3.- No está permitido el spam. Todo post fuera del foro que corresponde será eliminado, avisando previamente al usuario. / Spam is not allowed. Everything outside the forum post that corresponds will be removed, prior notice to the user.

4.- No jueguen a ser moderadores, ésta conducta será castigada. Si ven algo fuera de lo normal en el foro no pretendan moderar o administrar, que para eso estamos nosotros. / Do not play to be moderators, this behavior will be punished. If they see something unusual in the forum moderators or administrators do not intend, that's what we are.


Read Please!

1.- First of all, the name of the forum account should be the same as the member name in AO. More than anything for easy identification.

2.- Please respect among all. You can not insult another user or create strong arguments, avoid it. You can complain of another user by sending a PM to some administrator to take care of it. Complaints will be private

3.- Spam is not allowed. Everything outside the forum post that corresponds will be removed, prior notice to the user.

4.- Do not play to be moderators, this behavior will be punished. If they see something unusual in the forum moderators or administrators do not intend, that's what we are.


Por su atención, ¡gracias! / For your attention, thanks!
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Reglamento de Evil Rebelion (Foro) / Evil Rebelion Rules (Forum)
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